college chronicle cover half
College Chronicle app icon

College Chronicles

An interactive app to raise awareness of mental health issues & empower students to support those experiencing depression.

Team & Duration

Rajat Bagga
Ricky Cheung
Yang Bai

16 Weeks Duration
February 2019 - August 2019


Product Designer
Qualitative Research, Creating Concept, Prototyping, Animation, Storytelling

Product Designer
Qualitative Research, Creating Concept, Prototyping, UI/UX, Animation, 


Minnie Bredouw
Executive Director
Purpose Project, IDEO

Maria Giudice
Board Member
Cal Poly Graphic Communication


The average delay between the onset of the symptoms of depression and intervention is 8-10 years. Its human and economic costs are substantial. And it’s only getting worse.

From 2013 to 2016, the rate of diagnoses in Massive Depression Disorder among adolescents has risen 63% from 1.6% to 2.6%, and rose 47% among millennials, from 3.0% to 4.4%.

The impact is staggering and only increasing. Individuals are most likely to have a depressive episode in college since it is their first time living without immediate support and are going through a stressful environment.

How might we...

structure an educational framework for college students to assist in identifying depression in their friends and provide effective support.


An interactive comic for mobile platforms. The story revolves around two friends, Russell and Fred, who met in college. 

Through our product, we are aiming at college students who have depression will receive effective support. We also hope that, by bringing awareness of depression, students will feel less ashamed for seeking help when they need to.

Vedātarian is a lifestyle app which creates a custom diet and activity schedule based on body type (Prakriti) and fluctuations in the body (Dosha), targeting health issues through Ayurvedic remedies.

College chronicle product

Solution Features

Solution Features


User start playing as a character named Russel who is a student.


App has interactive storytelling for engagement

Decision Making

User has to make critial decision which leads to outcomes.

Different Ending

There are different ending based in users critical descions.

Solving for Awareness

Storytelling and empathy promoting interaction patterns.

Guideline for Support

Reinforcing positive decision making and providing information on how to support.

Design Process

Research Activities

Research Activity

7 Expert Interviews

3 Co-Design Session

1 Online Survey

Poster series to learn about other's feelings about depression.

Secondary Research 

poster activity-06
BottlesAsset 5Double
BottlesAsset 6Double


insight 1-01
Insight 2-02
Insights 3 cc-03


Research Activity

What we learnt

We need to focus on empowering and educating potential support group (close friends and classmates).

We understood that we neither are trained psychologists nor we can expect students to become one.

Mental Health Services for college students are busy, and cannot maintain the same day one on one counselling and students who are suffering from depression can take up to 8 years to identify that they are suffering from it. 

Those who have a larger support group has a larger chance for recovery.


The amount of information available via online resources needs to be filtered out with the help of experts and had to be designed for college students.

We want potentials support group to be more aware of depression and learn to empathize with people in depression.

We want that support group should learn social reasoning skills to provide relief and support to the emotional state of the person suffering from depression.

Making a digital and interactive product can help us to reach to maximum students.

Concept Exploration

Research Activity

Concept 1.    Too specific

To educate about the difference between Depression and Sadness because students often mistake depression with sadness.

After testing this concept with students, they find it overwhelming to concentrate on one aspect of the problem. 

Concept 2.    Too abstract

On the insight of depression lacks visual element. We create a repository of information od depression where students can learn how to engage with friends/classmates suffering from a different kind of depression.

After testing this concept with students, they find it difficult to get the relevant knowledge they need.

Concept 3.    Just Right

This concept was inspired by "Black Mirror: Bandersnatch". Its a story of two friends, where one friend has to take multiple decision which will affect the life of other fiends who is suffering from depression.

Testing this concept gave us insights that it has the potential of making user empathise with people having depression and make the user aware of their role in a friend's life.

Final Design

Research Activity

Plotting out the story

We created a rough storyline with key decisions points and a different ending.
We avoided having extreme endings like suicidal thoughts.

Processed with VSCO with hb1 preset

Wireframing Interaction

After creating a storyline, we filled it with various form of micro-interaction and interactive activities. These interaction designed to make it more engaging and contributes to the story.



We created assets of for the prototype including characters and scenarios. And created an interactive prototype using principle and Adobe XD.

building interactions
Screenshot 2019-11-29 at 6.57.38 PM


Research Activity

Lo-Fi Prototype Testing

While testing a low fidelity prototype, users showed signs of more awareness and empathy for people suffering from depression.


Advertisement Concept's Testing.

Social Media Advertisement being the first touchpoint, we created some low fidelity concepts and tested it out with College students.

0715 – Lofi ads

How the solution works

How the solution works

Users's Ecosystem

Research Activity

We are aiming to impact students with depression by focusing our user group to be the potential support group in college ecosystem.

College chronicles System 3

Journey Map

Research Activity

Journey map cc 2020-05

Future work

The solution requires advanced skills of storytelling and animation, and we plan to continue refining these.

A fully working prototype with "Framer X" tool is in the pipeline. Framer X based on React framework will enable us to generate a working app both in iOS and Andriod.


Ricky and I have had different experiences with depression; this initially created a lot of friction between us, but eventually helped us to collaborate through focusing on different aspects of the project.

It took a long time for us to find the right direction for the solution, which taught us the importance of aggressive concept generation and testing. We were forced to take a step back and redo brainstorming for different concept ideas, in order to get at our final solution.

I learned that sometimes it is necessary to set aside your expertise  (checking your ego) so that everybody can collaborate and learn effectively.

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© 2019 Rajat Bagga,  All rights reserved

© 2019 Rajat Bagga,  All rights reserved